Friday, January 28, 2011

Family Vintage Photos on the toilet

HAPPY FRIDAY Everyone! Here are a few of the family photos I have scanned and uploaded so far. Obviously one is much more entertaining than the others but they all have lots of character and a story behind them.  I apologize for the lack of clarity.  Turns out, home scanning of pictures from the 1920's through the 40's don't turn out all that fabulous but you get the jist :)

PLEASE DO NOT STEAL FROM THIS BLOG. © 2010-2011 Not to be copied or distributed without express permission of the author, Meowlissa ♥™  If you would like to borrow an image, PLEASE email me at :)  Thank you! 

My Great Grandmother. Well. On the toilet.
The store my grandparents ran for many years
Another kiss on their wedding day
My Grandfather when he was 15. He told me he thought it would be "badass" to lay all of his father's liquor bottles out and snap a photo. 
Andy, a friend of the family sitting on the family car
Another rebuild in process by the grandfather and uncles registered & protected


  1. These are wonderful! Thanks for letting us take a peek into your family history too :-)

  2. Thanks Nat :) I have so many old photos. I wish I could figure out something creative to do with them.

  3. good pictures! toilet and ciggy pic is hilarious. ty for posting here with us.

  4. Thank you, Anonymous! ;P I love how you emailed me that you posted this comment but you posted it "Anonymously" hehe. You're killin me smalls. I mean..."anonymous woman"

  5. Beautiful photographs! The first is very funny :-))))
    I like old photographs tell a story!
    Ciao Meowlissa!

  6. great vintage... i am the hot zombie lover...

  7. Boy don't old photos just make ya wanna cry? I wonder if they really were the good old days. I enjoyed seeing yours.

  8. Glad to see you guys stop by :)

    The first is definitely unique, Franz. Glad you stopped by :)

    iZombie, a fellow hot zombie lover eh? Goooooal. or braaaains. yeah.

    Sue, I always love seeing the old photos and all the stories they tell within one tiny moment in time.

  9. You grandma was not a shy woman, eh? lol

  10. lol apparently not ;) and apparently she also like to smoke. while on the toilet.


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