Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Quiet Middle Finger

So in the midst of the adventures of the    Bird Anus Number 1     and all his Holy a-hole-ness, I completely neglected all the lovelies of my blog, my baby blog, even my fetus blog and the fetus of my fetus blog, my art, seeing all of my lovelies, etc.  ((Random Note to Self:  When your therapist tells you to quit your job because it is killing your soul, you should listen)) There were seconds every 3.5  a few moments that I was ready to go buy a pack of ciggys which was odd considering, this month consisted of my One Year Anniversary of divorcing ciggys.  Instead of ciggys, I opted for lots of chocolate and caffeine, because, you know, those two things really help relieve stress. I really was 3.5 away from Straight Jacket-ville. So, a little time later. Here we are. I have given my resignation and I am slowly getting back to all the goodness I left behind. Slowly but surely.  On my last day, I could always give Bird Anus Number 1 a swift kick to his mangina. Or two or three. I might just opt for a simple middle finger though.  So, there it is. Some of it anyway. Now I must catch up with everyone. Quick! Grab the booze!


  1. I pooped on a manager's hood one time. No joke.

    Make sure you bring toilet paper.

  2. You should go out in a blaze of glory. Do the double middle finger while shouting, "FFFUUUUUUUUU" at the top of your lungs. Though, "FWAAAAHHH" works, too! :)

  3. Ugh, I could use a few drinks myself at the moment.

  4. i totally agree with thelexhex!

  5. I had same feelings with my boss in my prev job.
    Now, I am happy as a clan.
    All the best!

  6. Proud of you for sticking it out and standing up for yourself! You always had the strongest heart. I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy every minute at your new job! Good luck, Missy.

  7. The swift kick to the mangina gets my vote!

  8. Middle fingers are great, but have you considered getting really drunk and showing up on the last day as a hot mess, and knocking over everything within arm's reach as security drags you out, kicking and screaming?

    Think big.

  9. sweetie...i hope all is well with you. i've been tied up with a lot of stuff...and I'm trying to catch up with blogs and i am way way behind :)


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